
OneTable Introduction and Live Demo

Tired of making tradeoffs between data lake formats? Learn how OneTable opens your data to any - or all - formats including Apache Hudi™, Delta Lake and Apache Iceberg, and see a live demo!

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Dec 14, 2023 |


December 14, 2023
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OneTable is a brand new open source project that unlocks omni-directional interoperability between the popular lakehouse projects Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, and Apache Iceberg. When your data is at rest in your lake, Hudi, Delta, and Iceberg are not so different. They each offer a metadata layer over a set of parquet files. OneTable offers lightweight conversion mechanisms that can take a source metadata format and sync it into one or more target metadata formats.

This webinar will feature a live demo and describe real-world applications of how to build open data foundations that can accelerate your workloads into a variety of open source query engines including Spark, Presto, Trino, Flink, and more.

Key takeaways from this webinar:

  • Understand the nuts and bolts of how OneTable seamlessly converts data between these formats.
  • Understand why we created OneTable and our journey to open source the project.
  • Share the vision for the future, and show how you can join this new open community.

Your Presenters:

Profile Picture of Kyle Weller, Head of Product Management
Kyle Weller
Head of Product
Onehouse brandOneHouse logo
Profile Picture of Tim Brown, Software Engineer
Tim Brown
Software Engineer
Onehouse brandOneHouse logo

Your Moderator:

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